Save the Pink House

A friend recently told me about an iconic landmark,
on the North Shore of Boston and suggested I paint it.

Once I researched it, I became fascinated and
had to give it a go.

According to Wikipedia:

“The Pink House is an uninhabited historic house and popular photography and painting subject located in Newbury, Massachusetts, United States. The house was built in 1925 and was privately owned until it was sold to Parker River National Wildlife Refuge for $375,000 in 2011.

On October 31, 2023, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife (FWS) announced their intention to demolish The Pink House (to occur after a 30-day public comment period from November 1- 30). This sudden announcement came after eight years of Support The Pink House Inc (STPH) working tirelessly to find a solution to save the house - included paying all expenses demanded by the Fish & Wildlife to prepare the house for trade.

I’ve been following the website
and it looks like it may be saved after all!

Stay tuned!