What I'm Working On


Spring is such a busy time,
I’m always happy even if I just get a quick chance to paint.
I worked on this over a few quick sessions recently and think it may be done.
This is a favorite subject near me
and I wanted to capture that incredible
spring morning light.

“Spring in New England” 8 x 16 oil

First I did a value sketch using the image for a reference

Next session I blocked in the main values using a limited palette.
(Sap Green, Paynes grey Dark, cad yellow light, white)

Next session I added more paint and
played with the edges.

Then today I exaggerated the values and worked more on textures and may have overworked…

I’m taking a plein air workshop
up in Vermont next week
so I’m trying to fine tune my approach to
architecture in the landscape.
Wish me luck!