Finding Inspiration


Monster Monstera Plant 16 x 16 acrylic on paper

While away this summer,
we left our innocent
Monstera plant
in a west facing window,
only watering it about once a week.

Last week, we moved back and
look what she has become!

Droopy, leggy with huge heavy leaves.
A true “monster” but so very healthy!
While I figure out what to do with her,
I decided to paint her.

I was fascinated by the
varying shades of green
and distinct shapes in the leaves.

Then I had this idea of cutting it into 8 x 8 squares.
(I haven’t done it yet, these are images I took of the sections)

Cut and framed seperately,
these could be fun to work with.
In any combination.

I’m trying anything to get back in the groove
as I’ve been in a bit of creative drought of late.
I just keep showing up in the studio
and hoping something good happens!